The DALLMER Hoofshoe with T-shaped steel inlay is the solution for everyone who’s looking for a nailless alternative to horseshoes. It gives the horse support, assurance plus a shock-absorbing sole comfort as the hoof’s sole rests well on the plastic’s surface. Furthermore, it is well suited for the treatment and aftercare of laminitis, loose or hollow walls, sandcracks and keraphyllocele.
The DALLMER Hoofshoe with T-bar is the original form of a DALLMER Hoofshoe. The T-shaped steel inlay in the bearing surface gives the hoofshoe stability and fits it to hoof shape. For this purpose, the steel inlay gets shaped according to the “white line” and then pushed into the bearing surface so that hoof wall and plastic wall go together gaplessly. The wide sole surface guarantees a good hoof support. The backside of the shoe can be shortened to a length of max. 5 mm.