Dallmer Hoofshoes


Sandcracks are seperations in the horny box that run in longitudinal direction parallel to the horn tubules.

Unequal distribution of weight on the hoof.

Penetrating cracks go hand in hand with lameness because the sensitive laminae are irritated or crushed.

The marginal areas of cracks do not knit together again. The condition can only be healed by allowing healthy, compact horn to grow down from the coronet. The therapy starts with the correct dressing of the hoof in line with limb position and propulsion. This way the unequal distribution of weight can be eventually remedied.

The marginal areas are cut open down to the valley of the crack, decay must be cut away and disinfected. New horn can only grow unhindered if the hoof mechanism is deactivated and vibration is drastically reduced. DALLMER Hoofshoes can make a major contribution to this. Depending on the size of the sandcrack either DALLMER Hoofshoes or DALLMER Sandcrack Plasters come into play. The DALLMER Hoofshoe with T-shaped inlay exposes the hoof to hardly any vibration. In more severe cases, a combination of a DALLMER Cuff with Eggbar Shoes and a DALLMER Sandcrack Plaster is advisable.
